Laboratory Simulation of Earthquake-Induced Damage in Lava Dome Rocks

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Lauren Schaefer
Jackie E. Kendrick
Yan Lavallée
Jenny Schauroth
Oliver D. Lamb
Lamur Anthony
Takahiro Miwa
Ben M. Kennedy


Earthquakes can impart varying degrees of damage and permanent, inelastic strain on materials, potentially resulting in ruptures that may promote hazards such as landslides and other collapse events. However, the accumulation of damage in rocks under the frequency and amplitude of shaking experienced during earthquake events is rarely systematically measured due to technical limitations. Here, we characterize damage evolution during laboratory experiments on a suite of dacitic rocks from Unzen volcano, Japan, to help resolve accumulated damage and landslide susceptibility of lava domes during regional earthquake events. Damage was imparted during slow (time-dependent creep) and fast (stress-oscillation earthquake simulations) uniaxial loading in compression and tension. Damage evolution is approximated from strain during experiments; all samples accumulate strain during earthquake events, but microfracture-dominated samples tend to be more susceptible to damage than vesicle-dominated samples. The orientation of existing fabrics with respect to loading direction dictates the magnitude of strain accumulation under load oscillations. During each “earthquake” experiment of multiple dynamic stress-oscillations, samples accumulate inelastic strain. The strain imparted during each successive event is initially high and then reduces after 5-7 events, except when stressing results in failure. The strain rate during phases of intermittent stressing tends to be higher than prior to them. Understanding the accumulation of damage and the potential for brittle failure of rocks subjected to earthquakes can help define the origin and timing of certain landslides, rockfalls, lava dome collapses, and other failure events.

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How to Cite
Schaefer, L., Kendrick, J., Lavallée, Y., Schauroth, J., Lamb, O., Anthony, L., Miwa, T., & Kennedy, B. (2023). Laboratory Simulation of Earthquake-Induced Damage in Lava Dome Rocks. τeκτoniκa, 1(1), 112–126.


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